Saturday, May 31, 2014

National Geographic- Cut the Bull. Eat Green.

"A plant based diet indirectly consumes nearly 600 gallons less water per day. Cut the bull. Eat green." -National Geographic

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

James Cromwell- To Deny An Animal

“To deny an animal its right to self-determination, its right to live out its life as it chooses in its natural habitat, that is an aggression; it’s an aggression against the planet and all other sentient beings. Start with one meal a day, then up it to one day a week, then one week a month. Work your way into not consuming animals and animal products and inform yourself. It doesn’t take anything at all, and it’s very easy to do. Then you start to think, ‘What else?’ This process begins your consciousness.” -James Cromwell

Monday, May 5, 2014

Howard Lyman- "Humane Slaughter"

"...never forget there's no such thing as 'humane slaughter.' I never saw an animal clicking its heels going to the slaughterhouse, saying, 'Yippee, skippy, I'm going to be a McDonald's burger tomorrow!' There is always fear in their eyes. They know exactly what's going to happen. So for anyone to claim there is such a thing as 'humane slaughter,' well, that's the greatest oxymoron in the world." -Howard Lyman, former 4th generation cattle rancher turned vegan & activist